Janelle Monae, indeed!

There’s always the danger, with high expectations, of being disappointed. But Janelle Monae couldn’t disappoint if she tried. She could come on stage in a robe and slippers, sit in a bean bag chair and eat cereal and still be riveting. She’s a superstar. She’s adorable. She’s poised for take off and if she doesn’t, well, shame Janelle_Monaeon us. She completely defies classification, wearing the label of black female artist lightly, swinging it around and playing with it like she did the matador cape she rocked last night. (Seriously, it takes some major panache to pull off a matador cape (and a pompadour and saddle shoes, for that matter), but boy does she!) Her voice is gorgeous and facile, a voice to rival any diva’s, but what puts her over the top for me is her dancing. These are some bold words, but I’m going to say them: She’s an amazing dancer, as good as Michael Jackson. No joke. Sexy, androgynous, irrepressible, she soft shoes and shakes it like nobody’s business. Watch out for her. Seriously, watch out.

Check her out with Big Boi in this vid. Love love love.YouTube Preview Image

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